Many property owners have had calls from Curtis Roberts appraisers and been asked to appraise their property concerning the OSU project. I called the number given on my answering machine as 918-296-0700 and they asked when I would like to schedule an appraisal. I asked who had requested the appraisal and was told that it was Cinnabar. I KNEW IT WAS NOT ME!!!!
Perhaps I have misunderstood OSU in saying that it was up to property owners to call to arrange an appraisal with Cinnabar. This seems to be a new pressure tactic. Considering the fact that Dr. Schmidly and Gary Clark have said negotiations were between a willing seller and a willing buy, I find it disconcerting that Cinnabar is now contacting property owners to suggest that an appraisal appointment must be scheduled.
So, if you are NOT a “willing seller”, do NOT fall into this “trap”!
I just received the same call. I have not requested an appraisal at this time because I have yet to see an accurate appraisal. I would advise everyone to cease communications with Oklahoma State until they hire a more “friendly” acquisition company and a more accurate appraisal company. Don’t get sucked into an appraisal that would provide an inaccurate market value!
One other thing, until you have been served regarding condemnation, you do not HAVE to allow an appraiser onto your property. OSU has the ability to make an offer without an appraisal. Let them shoot us an offer first and we can go from there.
I would like to suggest that your interested and affected parties look through the fair market values through county records. I do not live in your county, but I do live on a main street, and I question the fair market value of my house, in comparison with other comparable houses in my neighborhood. My fair market value seems to be less than it should be, and I wonder why this would be kept down, when in actuality it should be more because it is a main street properly. Since evidently the plans have been in the works for some time, you might compare your fair market value figures and make sure they are comparable to other neighborhoods in your city and county, making sure they have not been kept lower to enable a cheaper taking.
I would also question eminent domaine if it is based on current residential fair market value instead of projected or commercial fair market value. How can they legally buy a residential property with this money and make it commercial after the sale instead of before the sale? That would be like buying a house for business purposes without it being rezoned for business first. I would think that the property should be rezoned and the fair market value raised because it would then be a commercial property before it is purchased.
I wish your neighborhood the best. I’ve seen how eminent domaine has taken properties that are not condemned, and the owners of these properties cannot afford to find new homes of equal property size and structure with the money they are given. Good luck!
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